Evan Fell

About Me

I am a lifelong programmer and senior level developer with extensive experience in a wide range of web based technologies. I am also father of 2, an avid traveler, and a puzzle enthusiast.

I love to help businesses improve operations through the use of web technology, and help legacy organizations modernize with up-to-date tools and systems. I've worked with Ivy League schools, Fortune 500 companies, media agencies, startups, filmmakers, and everything in between.

I also owned and operated a boutique adventure tourism business in Guatemala, offering travel experiences across Central America.

  • Age 41
  • Home WA, NH & Guatemala
  • Email evan@evanfell.com
  • Phone 323-743-3355

What I Do

Senior Technology Manager

Building online customer support and analytics tools for the property management industry. Streamlining the leasing processes, optimizing the leasing sales funnel, and providing amazing customer-journeys.

Web Development & Consulting

For 20+ years I have helped businesses with their digital presence. From project planning, development, access & security, DevOps. through execution and delivery. I often work with teams who need tech expertise and guidance to reach their goals online.

Business Intelligence & Data

I'm an experienced Database Admin in the Azure ecosystem. Designing, building, and maintaining SQL databases and data warehouses. I work on analytics, reporting, migration, and recovery. I'm passionate about using data reporting to guide operations.

Application Coding

As a life long coder and coding enthusiast, I build custom one-off projects and applications for a variety of industries. Dashboards, payment systems, analytic & tracking systems, and all types of API integrations.


Work Experience

Leasing Chat

Senior Technology Manager

At Leasing Chat we build interactive customer experiences for the property management industry. Designing and developing chat, AI, and analytics tools to drive sales and improve transparency of the customer journey.

Mesh Interactive Agency

Senior Full Stack Developer

At Mesh Interactive Agency I worked as a Senior Web Developer, advised in technology decisions, project planning, and worked in the building and deployment process of websites, marketing campaigns, and custom tools.

Ride Guatemala

Founder, Owner, Tour Product Owner

In 2015 I founded MAG Tours S.A. an adventure travel provider in Guatemala. We quickly became a leader in Central America, attracting clients from all around the world. As an owner I managed the full customer experience, marketing efforts, tour product development, and staff.

EF Web Labs

Web Designer, Developer, Coder

For nearly 20 years I have worked as a Freelance Web Developer and have engaged in the development of hundreds of websites, ecommerce shops, custom tools, and integrations. I also consult with small businesses to advise on their technology needs and project planning.



Masters in Business Administration

I focused my MBA studies in Technology Management and Emergent Technology, at Rochester Institute of Technology.


BS in Information Technology

My Bachelor of Science in Information Technology was focused on New Media Technology, from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Development Skills

Wordpress & Woocommerce


Website Design






Drupal & CMS


Jamstack Tools


Optimization & Security


CTA & Lead Capture


Digital Marketing


Analytics & Consulting


Tools I Use

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • Javascript
  • Wordpress
  • Drupal
  • Jamstack
  • eCommerce
  • React.js
  • Hugo
  • Node.js
  • APIs
  • GIT
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Azure
  • Chart.js
  • Python
  • SEO
  • Headless CMS
  • Analytics
  • Performance Tests
  • Deployment Tools


Seattle, WA
Nashua, NH
Antigua, GUA



Freelance? Yes

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How Can I Help You?